Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Whatever happened to old-fashioned “integrity”?

Well it could be too old fashioned to make it a practice anymore!  Obviously there are many people that do maintain high standards and integrity, but its sad that we live in a time where the lines are so blurry and no one seems to know who or what to believe.  I’m sharing this not as jab towards any particular group or belief system, but more as a reminder to those that spend so much time and great imagination creating false truths, having no second thoughts about it.  Who are these people?

There seems to be no limitations for those hyped up, warp-minded souls that thrive on creating as much chaos, confusion and lies (as though the world needs anymore) all for sake of making a splash on the internet and virtually every other social media outlet in cyberspace.

Sitting on the couch last night, my wife happens to mention a post on Facebook about this scandalous report of Tony Romo and Jason Wittin having an intimate relationship, finally coming out of the closet after all these years.  Again, the issue in my mind isn’t about the sexual lifestyle preference, because today its become socially acceptable for many, but more disturbing, the total lack of responsibility for attacking another human being with a boldfaced lie.  No scruples or integrity, and sadly many of us jump right on the bandwagon as evidenced by the huge viral swell that this dirty little lie created.

It has become an acceptable practice in our society today to manufacture whatever it takes to draw attention and create entertaining buzz.  And many within the entertainment and advertising industries have made an art of it.  And John Q Public in many ways continues to drink the Kool-Aid, fueling that momentum by not insisting on the facts to back it up. But would rather enjoy the lie for a little while.   

So what’s your point?  Simple. Think before you share, and be responsible for the sake of protecting your own and others integrity.

Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.”
–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Integrity: adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty. Shouldn’t this still be a timeless concept?

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