Friday, October 24, 2014

Timing is everything... or is it?

Over the years, I had numerous clients contact us in the emergency crisis mode. "We really need to get things rolling with our brand message!" Or maybe something like, "We haven't honestly figured out how to tell our story in a way that customers really understand who we are!" Not uncommon at all in our business.  And often this epiphany occurs on the brink of some major initiative that the company might be reacting to in a sudden panic or knee jerk reaction to quickly shore the game up so that we look smart enough to secure that next major initiative. We've all been there.  But what typically happens is that once a strategy and plan to get there is established, the realization begins to set in––that in order to do this right, it's going to take some time.

Time is a precious commodity and there never seems to be enough of it.  All too often, as marketers we find ourselves yearning for more patience with clients, failing to fully realize all of the variables that they may be dealing with.  It takes resources, both financial and human to effectively support branding and advertising efforts.  And while we find ourselves growing anxious to get the ball rolling so that perhaps the bleeding can stop, we sometimes pin the blame on the client. That said, it is critical that at the very front end of every marketing plan a detailed schedule be established for the entire team to commit to and stay the course.  Not that this is going to necessarily prevent all of the stops and starts on typical project, but it will help to keep everyone more focused and on task.

So don't find yourself growing frustrated on that next project, rather set some realistic expectations upfront with your clients.  I found over the years that they will work that much harder knowing that you understand things from their side. 

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